Oxford Cycle Workshop
OCW Staff


# of bicycles currently owned:

including, but not limited to:
on-one rohloff equipped hardtail
Surley Karate Monkey 29er
Specialized A5 race hardtail
Trek Liquid 65

most used/fav workshop tool:
most used – hammer
fave – hollow tech II BB tool. (BBs were meant to be this way…)

workshop tunes:
folk hip hop funk jungle dub (preferably all at the same time)

recent playlist:
Augustus Pablo. Fat freddys drop, Spears and Boden

a bicycle i would love to have is _____:
nicolai tfr nucleon g box thing or a kee wee chromo 8 and one day Ill own a ti bike…

when not cycling or working, I spend my day _______?:
playing fiddle, climbing trees

la haine

I eat loads because I cycle all the time, and when I do eat, I prefer:
pasta, meat and mash, home baked cakes, green leaves and fruit

circle one only of each pair:
Maudlen or Mag-da-len? Mudguards or Buttstripe? RetroZone or Tat Zone? The Cannibal or Il Campionissimo? Drops or Flats?

My favourite type of biscuit is_______.
caramel slice

why did i get into bikes?
from Oxford…ride bikes. that’s it really