I'd rather be driving my bike than riding in your car
OCW Staff

Gary Essex, Dr Scary

# of bicycles currently owned:
6 (I think)

including, and indeed limited to:
Postie Bike
Dutch Bike
Linear Recumbent
Load carrying recumbent trike
MTB festy hack bike
Other random creations as & when they appear/get cut up and turned into something else
Some trailers

favourite saying:

most used/fav workshop tool:
Welding kit

workshop tunes:
Nothing that’s played in the back workshop…

a bicycle i would love to have is _____:
Mike Burrows Windcheeta recumbent trike

when not cycling or working, I spend my day _______?:
what else is there to do?

good books i have read lately:
Powerdown – the end of the oil economy (Its got about 20 years folks – better get ready)

28 days Later – post apocalypse zombie movie
My beautiful laundrette – Iconic movie of Thatcherist Britain in the 80’s

Don’t own one – gave up as nothing was worth watching

I eat loads because I cycle all the time, and when I do eat, I prefer:
Bananas, Magic café brownies, real apple juice (pressed, not concentrate)

the smells of Stewart’s butchers (next door to shop) make me want to:
Open a veggie cafe

circle one only of each pair:
Maudlen or Mag-da-len? Mudguards or Buttstripe? RetroZone or Tat Zone? The Cannibal or Il Campionissimo? Drops or Flats?

My favourite type of biscuit is_______.
Anything Tom doesn’t like, so we might get a chance to eat one instead of the packet disappearing in 2 minutes

why did i get into bikes?
It was my dads Raleigh Roadster that did it.