Oxford Cycle Workshop
OCW Staff

Dan HarrisDan

# of bicycles currently owned:

Green 1970's Dawes Fixie with a Tubus rack
Red 1999 Tomac 204 magnum with Kawasaki green Sun Double wides
Navy Standard 250s BMX
2007 Kona Paddy Wagon track bike

most used workshop tool:
cable crimper

most fav workshop tool:
Citrus Degreaser and a stiff brush

workshop tunes:
Northern Soul or Early No-Wave punk
The Birthday Party - Live 1981-82
The Fall - Slags, Slates Etc.....
The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground
Camille - Le Sac Des Filles
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Then I See A Darkness

a bicycle i would love to have is _____:
It was always a Tomac 204 magnum, hmmm so maybe now an exquisitely lugged steel fixie, or a vintage Reg Harris

when not cycling or working, I spend my day _______?:
Running over fells or round marathons. Producing art.

Von Trier's The Idiots, and Dogville. Jim Jamusch's Deadman. Godard's Masclin Feminin. Werner Herzog's Fitzcaraldo. And La Haine and Snatch for good measure.......

No sir I ain't

I eat loads because I cycle all the time, and when I do eat, I prefer:
Fine cheese would be an addiction, Sea food. Unusual creative home made bread, vegatable cakes and Marmite on toast.

circle one only of each pair:
Maudlen or Mag-da-len? Mudguards or Buttstripe? RetroZone or Tat Zone? The Cannibal or Il Campionissimo? Drops or Flats?

My favourite type of biscuit is_______.
Bourbon Creams

why did i get into bikes?
I got into riding bike through the desire to reclaim freedom on the streets of East London at night, so I started riding bike trials, shortly followed by BMX. Downhill mountain bikes followed and the rest is history.

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