I'd rather be driving my bike than riding in your car
OCW Staff

James Dawton, Head Sturmey-Archer-Technician-in-chargeJames

# of bicycles currently owned:
6 (+ 3 in the attic)

including, but not limited to:
Pete Tansley (tourer)
Holdsworth (ex-tourer, now fixed-gear commuter)
Argos (ex-MTB, now rough tourer)
Old green rod brake Raleigh

favourite saying:
“Yes.” (to food)

most used/fav workshop tool:
Sturmey Archer Spoke Key

a bicycle i would love to have is _____:
Titanium Rohloff [makers of fine hub gears] Tourer

when not cycling or working, I spend my day _______?:
Gardening or berating the County Council on cycling matters.

good books i have read lately:
The Long Way Round (Ewan MacGregor)

The Aviator

Horizon, or Top Gear (not taken too seriously)

circle one only of each pair:
Maudlen or Mag-da-len? Mudguards or Buttstripe? RetroZone or Tat Zone? The Cannibal or Il Campionissimo? Drops or Flats? (responded PG Tips)

My favourite type of biscuit is_______.
Digestive sans chocolate.

why did i get into bikes?
Reasons are lost in the mists of time.