I'd rather be driving my bike than riding in your car
Cycle Parking Stands

Types of stand
Subsidy for community facilities and low income households

Contact OCW on 01865 204 799 or mail@oxfordcycleworkshop.org.uk

Oxford Cycle Workshop installs proper steel cycle parking hoops (known as 'Sheffield stands') at homes and workplaces around Oxford. The best way to secure your bike overnight is to bring it indoors, but if you haven't room then you need something secure to lock it to outside. Keeping it in the back garden, or just out of sight, is not enough - lots of bikes are stolen from gardens and sheds every day. And if you cycle to work, you'll need something solid to lock your bike to during the day.

Types of stand

We can install two types of stand. Most are the Sheffield type stands (pictured), which we have manufactured locally to an independently produced specification. We can install them in various locations, either bolted to concrete or sunk into the ground. If you don't have room for one of these, we may be able to install a wall anchor. These are small hoops of hardened steel firmly fixed to a wall. We'll be happy to come out and visit the location to advise you on which of these options will work best.


Sheffield type stands cost £105 each, including installation. We can negotiate a discount for multiple stands in the same location, but we only do this on a customer-by-customer basis as sites can vary a lot. Wall anchors cost £25 each, again including installation and with discount for multiples.

Subsidy for community facilities and low income households

East Oxford Action have provided us with a grant to subsidise stands fitted for houses of multiple occupancy (HMOs) and community facilities in East Oxford only. This project is run in conjunction with the Oxfordshire Youth Offending Team - to further reduce the cost, some young people will help fit the stands (whilst supervised) as part of their community reparation. The cost of a subsidised stand, including installation, is reduced to just £45. If you're not sure whether or not you qualify for the subsidy, please call us so we can check.